Welcome to the Church of England's online parish return system

Statistics for Mission, Return of Parish Finance and the Energy Footprint Tool

If you already have an account

If you’re entering data then gather your numbers from:

  • Service registers and numbers of baptisms, marriages, and funerals for statistics for mission
  • Accounts for return of parish finance
  • Energy bills for the Energy Footprint Tool
Login to enter or view your data

Forgotten your username and/or password? Don’t worry, you can request a reminder by clicking the login button above.

If you don’t yet have an account

Ask your parish representative or diocesan office to give you a username and password.


If you have any queries or comments, please contact your diocesan office or the Church of England Research & Statistics unit: statistics.unit@churchofengland.org

Once submitted, your data will be available to your diocese to help them understand the activities and needs of their churches and to support their mission. Information provided through this system will be included in statistical publications and made available online.

Some people find it helpful to print off a copy of the form as they collect together the numbers before entering in to their return. If you would find this helpful, the forms are given below: